Friday, November 2, 2007

Life at DesignWorks USA

Obviously, I am not doing too much since I am writing this blog. I just thought maybe it was a good idea to start posting my stuff up on something like this to get some honest feedback. I have been an intern out here in california since the fall semester back in august, it has been a great experience as far as design learning is concerned. Over the summer, I interned at GM design center in Warren, MI. I must say that GM has a much bigger facility. Thats all I am going to say about that. I will try to post as many sketches up as possible, please if you are looking at this, feel completely free to mock my sketches to the fullest extent. (if you are in the junior transportation design classes at CCS, Tyler, Sam, Fil,Evan,Ian ect.ect.. leave me a note and send me some sketches, ill post it up and we can get some good feedback, maybe.) anyways here comes the sketches.

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