Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The toys came today

one foam toy.. and another plastic model kit. Oh how I love toys.. and the last photo.. well lets just say God is frowning


Anonymous said...

What kind of foam is this? These parts look like sls or sla...

dtran said...

SLS.. everything

Anonymous said...


Do you guys get these outsourced, or does ccs have sls printing for cheap?
Either way, this models you guys do must cost arms and legs. Are you guys sponsored or something?

dtran said...

hehe yea.. we can never ever ever afford these.. this project is sponsored and everything was printed by them at their headquarters.. we have SLA printing here at CCs.. but not for cheap.. its just the studio is normally sponsored and paid for material wise.

Anonymous said...

you gut=ys really lucky

here in uk just a clay made symetric by hand /eye

no scanning tech
then a rough ribre glass cast made then finishing process

so yurs are very pro
ours look amateur...

dtran said...

hahah i am glad that is the new perception of CCS.. we always thought the euro schools had amazing models.. we got lucky this year because of the sponsor's ability to be so generous.anyways, most other semester, we have to do full clay models anyways.. its good either way..